Kanika ModiWrite a Sample Lambda to Send Emails using SES in AWSWhat is SES?Nov 12, 20203Nov 12, 20203
InNerd For TechbyKanika ModiSystem Design — Choosing between AWS Kinesis and AWS SQSIn this blog post, I explore AWS Kinesis vs AWS SQS, showing the benefits and drawbacks of each system and which one to prefer based on…Jul 16, 20218Jul 16, 20218
InAWS in Plain EnglishbyKanika ModiSystem Design — Choosing between AWS Lambda and AWS FargateBack with System Design Choices series, in this blog post, I explore AWS Lambda vs AWS Fargate, showing the benefits and drawbacks of each…Jul 24, 20212Jul 24, 20212
InAWS in Plain EnglishbyKanika ModiS3 Events to Lambda vs S3 Events to SQS/SNS to LambdaAn AWS system design comparisonAug 28, 20217Aug 28, 20217
InAWS in Plain EnglishbyKanika ModiHow To Use AWS CloudWatch Subscription FiltersWhat is CloudWatch Subscription Filter?Sep 5, 20212Sep 5, 20212
InAWS in Plain EnglishbyKanika ModiAWS SNS Events: SNS to Lambda vs SNS to SQS to LambdaA guide on choosing when to use one of the two common event-driven design patterns.Oct 23, 20215Oct 23, 20215